Das Interview mit Alessandro Coletta von Tulpa zum aktuellen Album „Temple Of Wounds“ (English Version)

Artist: Tulpa

Origin: Italien

Genre: Black Metal

Label: Folter Records

Link: https://www.facebook.com/TulpaOfficial

Time For Metal / René W.:
Hey guys,
we got together today to talk about your band Tulpa and the latest album, Temple Of Wounds. You formed in 2016 and released your first EP, Fear Of Fades, a year later. How did you get together, and how much did the beginnings shape you eight years later?

Tulpa / Alessandro Coletta:
Among the members of the very first lineup, there was a relationship of acquaintance and friendship that dated back to the early 2000s in my case, and to the 90s among the other members. Andrea (our former bassist) and I reconnected in the early 2010s to practice Vipassana meditation, and from there, the idea to start playing together again was born. In no time, we formed the first lineup of Tulpa and began composing the first EP. The more „crust“ influence in our sound comes from that period, as the initial idea was to create a project primarily oriented towards d-beat.

Time For Metal / René W.:
With Temple Of Wounds, you finished your second LP in March 2024. You combine black metal sounds with crust riffs. How did you get inspired for this style, and how do you approach the songwriting process?

Tulpa / Alessandro Coletta:
We believe that our main influences, black metal and crust, are well-suited to convey certain moods and states of mind, fulfilling our need for communication. We don’t have a fixed rule for songwriting, but generally, the songs originate from my compositions and are then arranged by the entire band. 

Time For Metal / René W.:
Tell us a bit more about Temple Of Wounds: When did you start working on the album, where did you record it, and how did you find your label Folter Records?

Tulpa / Alessandro Coletta:
We started working on the tracks for the new album shortly after the release of Unhealed, although the pandemic slowed us down and forced us to rethink our workflow. The recordings took place at Elfo Studio and Daemon Star Studio, with the valuable contributions of Alessandro Comerio and Daniele Mandelli. Kyoo Nam (our former drummer for the first album and guitarist for the second) was already working with Folter Records with his band Whiskey Ritual. During the festival held for the label’s 30th anniversary, where I was also present as a guest musician with Whiskey Ritual, Kyoo Nam and I proposed our project to Folter, and we are thrilled to have received a positive response. 

Time For Metal / René W.:
What themes do you have on Temple Of Wounds? What do you want the listener to take with them on their journey in the tracks?

Tulpa / Alessandro Coletta:
Temple Of Wounds explores themes related to the suffering that permeates the cycle of conditioned existence. Creating art, of any kind, inspired by this awareness, is a way to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Instead of fleeing from or distracting ourselves from pain, allowing it to dictate our choices and worldview, we choose to stay in contact with it and discover what it has to tell us.

Time For Metal / René W.:
The artwork is simple and old school. That fits your complex sound, which also takes up old styles. But also allows for modern handwriting. How important is the balance from the early days of black metal to you, without losing touch with the current sound?

Tulpa / Alessandro Coletta:
It’s probably a matter of balance because, on one side, we are children of the 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s making music in 2024, and on the other hand, we don’t like the more „plastic“ solutions that lean towards metalcore, simply because we don’t have that kind of background. For us, it’s important that our music is rooted in the present day but that our old-school influences, which we certainly don’t hide, are also evident. 

Time For Metal / René W.:Five years have passed between Unhealed and Temple Of Wounds. What does your road look like? Are you already working on new material, or are you letting the songs take shape first and then working on new compositions later?

Tulpa / Alessandro Coletta:
We don’t know what the future holds, but our choice is to continue creating art as long as we have the energy, feel we have something to say, and as long as it gives us pleasure. We all have regular jobs, so we can afford the luxury of keeping our intentions clear and not having to adhere to purely economic considerations in our decisions as a band. The first ideas for the next album are already forming, and we’d like to bring them to fruition in less time this time around.

Time For Metal / René W.:You’re playing two shows in your home country at the end of the month, together with Hulder. Are there any chances that you will still be playing shows in Germany this year?

Tulpa / Alessandro Coletta:
We performed at our release party at the beginning of the month, and we are very excited about these two dates with Hulder at the end of June. At the moment, nothing is confirmed regarding possible concerts in Germany, but we already have some contacts with local promoters and hope to be able to play there soon! 

Time For Metal / René W.:
Thanks for your time. The last word is yours, and you can freely address it to your fans and our readers.

Tulpa / Alessandro Coletta:
Thank you for this interview and your interest! Greetings to all Time For Metal readers, and we invite you to follow and support us in whichever way you prefer.