Cye-The Band – The Strange Animal Of The North

Release Kalender
Name: Cye-The Band – The Strange Animal Of The North


Genres: Classic Rock, Instrumental Rock, Rock


1st MovementPart A: IntroductionPart B: The Shadow KillerPart C: The Sunstorm GliderPart D: Dr. T. WhitePart E: The Time Agent 2nd MovementPart A: The Voice of the BardPart B: Animal ThemePart C: Captain Wren 4th MovementPart A: IntroductionPart B: The Mind BenderPart C: Shifting RealitiesPart D: The Matrix Twister 5th MovementPart A: Transformed ThoughtsPart B: The Secret of Rhythm and RhymePart C: Turning in CirclesPart D: Dancing with your TwinPart E: Animal Theme IIPart F: Medusa’s EyesPart G: Time is changing into DistancePart I: Over the Horizon

Cye-The Band - The Strange Animal Of The North
