”Das Leid des Kapitalismusl” Band: Behemoth, Kataklysm, Legion Of The Damned, Thyrfing, Grave, Tankard, Enslaved, Vader, Hail Of Bullets, Exhumed,...
”Extremefest vom 23.05.13 – 25.05.13” Band: Behemoth, Kataklysm, Legion Of The Damned, Thyrfing, Grave, Tankard, Enslaved, Vader, Hail Of...
Artist: Descending Genre: Modern Thrash Metal Label: Massacre Records Link: http://www.thedescending.eu Bandmembers Vocals – Jon Simvonis Guitar – Constantine Guitar...
Artist: Descending Genre: Modern Thrash Metal Label: Massacre Records Link: http://www.thedescending.eu Bandmitglieder: Gesang– Jon Simvonis Gitarre – Constantine Gitarre –...
„Modernes muss nicht schlecht sein“ Artist: Descending Album: New Death Celebrity Spiellänge: 45:45 Minuten Genre: Modern Thrash Metal Release:...