Die schwedischen Kult-Progressiv-Rocker Beardfish haben kürzlich ihr neues Studioalbum Songs For Beating Hearts für den 1. November 2024 angekündigt, ihr erstes neues Werk seit ihrer Auflösung im Jahr 2016. Heute stellen sie die zweite Single aus dem Album vor. Das Video zu Torrential Downpour gibt es hier zu sehen:
Rikard erklärt: “I lost my dad to cancer in 2022 and when this song was written there was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but it felt almost like a lament. When I later read the lyrics I realised it was about him, but also about family and our heritage as humans in general – how we all come from two people who also come from two people and no one ever really disappears because we’re all connected in a way. Call me the son of someone you used to know, or someone you never knew – it doesn’t matter. Call me the son of sun… Suddenly it’s not just a lament for someone who’s dead, it’s also a celebration of life.”
Vorbestellen kann man das Album hier: https://beardfish.lnk.to/SongsForBeatingHearts
Beardfish: veröffentlichen neue Single & Video „In The Autumn“