Silverstein: Europatour startet diese Woche

In Deutschland unter anderem in Wiesbaden, München und Nürnberg

Nach dem Release von Antibloom, der erste Teil des produktiven Doppelalbums Antibloom / Pink Moon, ist die gefeierte kanadische Rock Band Silverstein bereit, ihre neue Europatour zu starten.

Antibloom is finally here! It’s so exciting to be releasing so much new music alongside our 25th anniversary tour,” teilt Frontmann Shane Told. “This album (and the next one coming later in the year) is chock-full of absolute bangers. We’re really proud to be putting out our best music a quarter century into our career.”

Er fügt hinzu: “Get ready for more dates to be announced and singles coming at you all year as we are going super hard this year. It’s the year of Silverstein and we are firing on all cylinders with the best production we’ve ever had both recorded and on stage.”

Antibloom könnt ihr euch hier anhören!

EU Tour Dates:
04.03. Brussels, BE
05.03. Paris, FR
06.03. Amsterdam, NL
07.03. Wiesbaden, DE
08.03. Munich, DE
10.03. Vienna, AT
11.03. Nuremburg, DE
13.03. Berlin, DE
14.03. Hamburg, DE
15.03. Cologne, DE