Bandleaderin Scarlett Monastyrski kommentiert:
“ I think the Wild Ones and Acid Fiends have been waiting for a nice speedy one for a little while. Hopefully this will keep them satiated until the album! Within the lyrics of this song we delve into the world of envy and the hatred that grows from it. I wrote it from two different perspectives, from those individuals being envied. One is lonely and humble, and the other is big-headed and cocksure. But in the bridge I kind of throw it all back in everyone’s face in a gloating „how great I am“ sort of thing, cos‘ why not? Screw em! I’m a Bastard!!! „
Seht euch hier das Video zu Call Me Bastard an:
Scarlett Monastyrski fährt fort:
“ Jätt is meant to be the sound of Sabïre. A monolith to what we stand for artistically. We wanted this album to be its own art piece rather than simply a collection of arbitrary songs, a really ‚blue‘ coloured sound. The physical copies hold beautifully styled texts detailing the concept for those chosen songs, as well as small epistles to accompany each track.“
Mehr Infos zu Sabïre und ihrem kommenden Album Jätt findet ihr hier:
Sabïre: kündigen die Veröffentlichung ihres Debütalbums „Jätt“ an
Sabïre Besetzung :
Paul Corben – Schlagzeug und Percussion
Zoran Mrakic – Bass (Live)
Ivor Radocaj – Gitarre (Live)
Scarlett Monastyrski – Gesang, Gitarren, Bass, Keys, Percussion
Sabïre online: