Nach der Ankündigung ihres langersehnten neuen Devin Townsend Project Albums ‚Z²‘ und dem blitzschnellen Ausverkauf der Show am 13. April 2015 in Londons legendärer Royal Albert Hall, wollen euch die Herren nichts weiter vorenthalten und kündigen eine ausgiebige Europa-Tour für 2015 an. Devin äußerte sich dazu mit diesen Worten:
‘Now that the recording and mixing for Z2 is finished, it’s time to gear up for touring again! There’s a bunch of events coming up, and one of them that I’m extremely proud to announce is a European headlining tour with support from the incredible Periphery and the insane Shining!
That’s a heck of a line -up I think, each band is doing something unique from each other, yet are really well defined. It will be an opportunity for us to explore our back catalogue as well as the Z2 albums, Sky Blue and Dark Matters (from the upcoming double album, Z2)
One of the greatest things about doing this for as long as I have is that we get to do these sorts of awesome events. I can’t even begin to express how honoured I am to share the stage with these incredible bands, and to have such overwhelming support from the audience lately. It’s honestly just an absolute pleasure to do this.
So it is with great pride I invite you to the show! Hopefully we come near you, let’s do this!
Devin =)’
Alle Termine findet ihr in der folgenden Liste. Tickets sind ab Heute erhältlich:
5/3/15 – La Cigale, Paris, France
6/3/15 – Substage, Karlsruhe, Germany
7/3/15 – Z7, Pratteln, Switzerland
8/3/15 – Live Club, Milan, Italy
10/3/15 – Backstage Werk, Munchen, Germany
11/3/15 – Arena, Vienna, Austria
12/3/15 – A38, Budapest, Hungary
13/3/15 – Majestic, Bratislava, Slovakia
14/3/15 – Roxy, Prague, Czech Republic
16/3/15 – Stodola, Warsaw, Poland
17/3/15 – Gruenspan, Hamburg, Germany
18/3/15 – Voxhall, Århus, Denmark
19/3/15 – Rockefeller, Oslo, Norway
21/3/15 – Rytmikorjamo, Seinajoki, Finland
22/3/15 – The Circus, Helsinki, Finland
24/3/15 – Debaser Media, Stockholm, Sweden
25/3/15 – Amager Bio, Copenhagen, Denmark
26/3/15 – Matrix, Bochum, Germany
27/3/15 – Effenaar, Eindhoven, Holland
29/3/15 – O2 Academy, Bristol, England
30/3/15 – O2 ABC, Glasgow, Scotland
31/3/15 – Academy, Manchester, England
Um euch den Tag noch weiter zu versüßen, veröffentlicht die Band nun einen Album-Trailer zu Z², welches am 27. Oktober 2014 in Europa erscheint. Den Trailer gibt es hier: