Die Heavy-Metal-Institution Night Demon aus Ventura, Kalifornien, hat kürzlich ihr drittes Album Outsider über Century Media Records herausgebracht. Einen Vorgeschmack auf Outsider bietet das neue Video zum Album-Track Beyond The Grave (Regie: Ben Liepelt und Jarvis Leatherby), das hier zu sehen ist:
Jarvis Leatherby (Vocals/Bass) sagt: „Beyond The Grave marks a pivotal moment in the Outsider album. This concept record follows a storyline, and here our main character finds himself in a dire situation, having to confront the darkest aspects of his own psyche. It’s an ode to waging war and making peace with our own alter egos.
The music video builds on these themes. We explore the darker aspects of ourselves, expressed on screen through magickal ritual and dark mirror gazing. We’re immensely proud of this next single and video, and we hope it strikes a chord with our fans.“
Lest hier auch das Review zu Outsider von unserem Time For Metal Chefredakteur René W.: