Defences: veröffentlichen neue Single & Video „Gold In The Dark“

Die aufstrebende britische Alternative Metal Band Defences legt mit Gold In The Dark eine neue Single, samt Musikvideo, vor.

Wenn die letzte Single The Curse eine Blaupause dafür war, wie Defences weitermachen wollten, so ist Gold In The Dark der Beleg dafür, dass sie es durchgezogen haben. Gold In The Dark ist die direkte Fortsetzung der Geschichte des Vorgängers und erzählt von den ersten Schritten der Selbstakzeptanz. Um mit seiner inneren Finsternis im Reinen zu sein, muss man sie erst einmal annehmen, um wirklich Licht in Seiten von sich zu bringen, die man lieber versteckt.

„I started reading, researching and practising the concept of shadow work during the lockdown years“, erzählt Frontfrau Cherry Duesbury. „I realised there were parts of myself I was actively ignoring and pushing down, and it was contributing to why I was feeling so stunted, unhappy in myself and who I was in various ways. Coming across this concept and reading about the psychology behind it – which I’ve always been fascinated by and studied in school for a while – was really eye-opening and inspiring for me. These are some of my favourite lyrics I’ve ever written! And the ideas in this song sparked so much inspiration for this era of our band and the themes we explored, lyrically, musically and visually.“

Defences haben in Eigenregie bereits mehrere Millionen Streams erzielt, zahlreiche UK-Touren mit ausverkauften Headline-Shows absolviert, ganz zu schweigen von den Festivalauftritten beim Download, Takedown, Turbulence oder Burn It Down Festival. Durch regelmäßiges Touren und die Pflege ihrer treuen Online-Community (#TheHeart Fanpage), bleiben Defences mit ihrer stetig wachsenden Fangemeinde eng verbunden. Man kann gespannt sein, wo die Reise der Band hingehen wird.

Defences über das neue Musikvideo:
„This is one of our favourite video shoots to date! We found an amazing derelict school out in Hereford where they run ghost tours. Once we got there and realised just how beautiful the building was, we decided it would be better to shoot each member in a different room rather than all bunch up in a room. This resulted in a huge amount of negative space in all of these shots, with huge rooms stretching behind as we’re performing, ending up this amazing eerie vibe. It felt a little bit like being in The Shining or The Haunting of Hill House!
We also wanted to tie the newly established Shadow Cherry to this location, so we showed her room from where she influences the world, resulting in the puppet strings effect seen in the video. This was great, but a lot of hard work to achieve! We had 2 metre-long metal poles with the other end of the ropes attached to them, so just know that any time you see one of us on screen with these ropes around us, all of the other members are just off-camera sweating buckets trying to keep them up!“

Defences: haben neue Single/Video „The Curse“ veröffentlicht