Pure Reason Revolution - Useless Animal (Official Video)

Pure Reason Revolution: veröffentlichen neue Single/ Video „Useless Animal“

Gestern erschien die zweite Single aus dem neuen Album Coming Up To Consciousness. Das Video zu Useless Animal könnt ihr euch hier ansehen:

Jon Courtney sagt über den Track: “Very pleased to launch our next single, showing another side of Coming Up To Consciousness. The song’s about how we don’t realise something’s worth until it’s gone.
Taking my dog to be put down & the emotional fallout, the unexpected impact. Grief is the price we pay for love. Written as a result of purposefully trying to avoid my usual repertoire of chords. This was the first track Guy Pratt played bass on, he did a wonderful job & his input spurred on further creativity.”

Weitere Infos zur Band und zum neuen Album könnt ihr hier nachlesen:

Pure Reason Revolution: kündigen neues Album „Coming Up To Consciousness“ an