Das Interview mit Lucas Indrio von Necrot zur aktuellen Scheibe Lifeless Birth (English Version)

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Artist: Necrot

Origin: USA

Genre: Death Metal

Label: Tankcrimes

Link: https://necrot.bandcamp.com/music


Vocals, Guitars, Bass – Lucas Indrio
Guitars – Sonny Reinhardt
Drums – Chad Gailey

Time For Metal / René W.:
Hey guys,

you’ve released your third studio album Lifeless Birth, a good reason to talk about your band and the new material. Let’s jump into the past first: You have a groovy old-school death metal sound. After your first three demos, you released Blood Offerings seven years ago. You gained a lot of experience during this phase. How does this initial phase still influence you today, and how is it affecting the sound of Lifeless Birth?

Necrot / Lucas:
Everything we do musically leads to the next chapter. I feel that there is a connection between all of our albums, even if our sound has evolved. The essence of our music it’s still the same, we are just getting better at it. We are not a band that follows trends or feels that we need to change our sound to prove that we are a more mature band. We play music that we like since day one and we try to just make music our way without being influenced by the music industry or what reviewers or the press say about us.

Time For Metal / René W.:
On Lifeless Birth, you embody a strong technique that allows progressive parts and lives a melodic brutality. How did your songwriting develop, and how were you influenced in the creation process of the individual tracks?

Necrot / Lucas:
It’s hard to describe, you just sit down and write songs, there is no big science behind it. Like everything you do for a long time, eventually you just know how to do it, and you get better at it. We have all been playing music since we were kids, like 7 or 8 years old, so we have had a long time to get better at it. Everything can influence the songwriting, but ultimately is a big mix of personal taste, your surroundings, and the things that happen in the world or your personal life.

Time For Metal / René W.:
How did you perceive the studio phase? How long did the recording process take and did you have any rituals during this time?

Necrot / Lucas:
Recording and mixing the record took about three weeks, a little longer to get the final master. The studio phase is always fun because you hear your songs properly recorded. We recorded at Earhammer Studios in Oakland, California with Greg Wilkinson. No specific rituals, we just go in and do it and when we are done we are done.

Time For Metal / René W.:
The artwork immediately catches the eye, positively. Old school, detailed and dark, like the material on the record. What guidelines did you give the artist, and how did the vintage 80s style come about?

Necrot / Lucas:
We have worked with Marald for many years, the process is always long and there is a lot of time spent sharing ideas and trying different sketches. We decided to have more colors on this cover and that might be what gives it that 80s feeling. We wanted a cover that would be both modern and vintage at the same time and I think we achieved that.

Time For Metal / René W.:
In addition to digital options, Lifeless Birth is also available on vinyl. The artwork comes into its own even more on vinyl. Your first works are also available on „black gold“. Are you vinyl-lovers, or how do you prefer to celebrate hard music?

Necrot / Lucas:
I think Vinyls are cool objects. You get to see the artwork of the album big in all the details and usually, the sound quality is very good. In a world that goes more and more towards the subscription/streaming way, it’s great that there are still people who appreciate owning a physical record and supporting the bands directly.

Time For Metal / René W.:
US death metal has been working in Germany for decades, how important is the scene for you? Can we expect a tour in Europe in the next few months?

Necrot / Lucas:
Germany is one of the best places in the world for Metal and it’s always a pleasure knowing that there are people out there interested in our music. We will be coming to Germany next July/August playing Party.San Open Air, Dortmund Death Fest, Void Fest, and a few more club shows in Berlin, Hamburg, Weiher, Dresden and Kassel.

Time For Metal / René W.:
Where do you see the biggest differences between the death metal scenes in the USA and Europe?

Necrot / Lucas:
Probably in the sound, you can find the biggest difference. I feel that with the way the world is so easily connected with the internet, it’s easier for musicians to get influenced by bands that are not necessarily from their continent. I think the argument of a European sound and an American sound is less relevant now than it might have been in the late 80s or 90s.

Time For Metal / René W.:
Thanks for your time. The last word is yours, and you are free to address it to your fans and our readers.

Necrot / Lucas:
I hope to see some of the people reading this at one of our shows in Germany, and please check out our new album Lifeless Birth if you haven’t yet!