Gwendydd: Tag 2 des Tourtagebuchs ist online!

Time For Metal präsentiert

Am Tag 2 des Tourtagebuchs geht es unter anderem auch durch die Tschechische Republik. Was eine Polizeikontrolle und tschechisches Bier mit der Tour zu tun hat, das findet ihr heraus in der zweiten Folge.

Die Band kommentierte:“Gwendydd Tour Diaries Day 2! You’ll see some action! You’ll see how we entertain ourselves in the van by watching funny animations and playing the game of „let’s create random funny sentences“! As you will see, we’re still too excited! 
The hotel in which we stayed was a bit dodgy, so we had to take all our gear out of the van and put it into our hotel rooms just in case. Better safe than sorry! We had some problems with buying a vignette in Czechia and we got stopped by the police. It was quite exciting actually! But overall it was quite the sleepy day in the van. We finished the day with some great Czech beer! Aachen, get ready! We are coming!

Tag 1 des Tourtagebuchs findet ihr hier:

Gwendydd: Time For Metal präsentiert das Tourtagebuch der Extrem Metaler von Gwendydd – On The Road In A Pandemic!