In 2020 heißt es nicht „Welcome To the Heart Of Helsinki“ und Alexi mit seiner neuen Band Bodom After Midnight muss auf seinen ersten Gig warten. Weiterhin waren Bands wie Korn, Deftones und Baroness geplant.
Hier das Statement der Verantwortlichen:
„It’s been settled. No moshpit will take place in Tuska this year: Tuska 2020 has been cancelled. Following the decision by the Finnish government on April 22, all mass events have been cancelled in Finland till the end of July. This applies to Tuska and it is the right decision. You, dear metal people, are Tuska. The safety and well-being of our audience is the most important thing and Tuska will do its part on tackling the corona epidemic. In the core of Tuska festival has always been a metal community where every member can enjoy oneself feeling complete safe. We want this to be the case now and always and we want you to attend future festivals with 100% physical and mental powers.
There’s no denying that at the moment this is annoying af and feelings are all over the place, but one thing is for sure: this will not despond us! While having a year off, now it’s time to listen to s**tloads of music and exercise those neck muscles so that in the summer 2021 your hair will spin faster and harder than ever. At the moment, the best way to support Tuska and metal culture is to keep your ticket: The ticket for Tuska 2020 is valid for Tuska 2021! Just like that! Have you ever been in a situation where you have secured your ticket to a festival that will take place two summers from now? Calculating quickly, this means that you’ll have more money to spend on beverages of choice in Tuska 2021.
If you wish to return your ticket, you can do that too. All procedures regarding returning and refunding are handled by our ticket vendors: Tiketti, Ticketmaster, and Festicket. They will be in touch with you very soon, please do not contact them as their customer services will be swarmed. You can return your ticket by the end of August. Please see the related links here: