Charity Projekt von Wayne Hussey: ReMission International – „TOS2020“

Wayne Hussey & Friends erschaffen die klassische The Mission-Hymne „Tower Of Strength“ neu

Zur Unterstützung aller Key Worker, die weltweit mit Covid-19 zu tun haben. Digitaler VÖ: 28.08.2020, Vinyl & CD VÖ: 02.10.2020

Alle Erlöse gehen an wohltätige Organisationen, die von allen Beteiligten persönlich ausgewählt wurden

Zu den Mitwirkenden gehören:

Andy Rourke, Billy Duffy, Budgie, Evi Vine, Gary Numan, James Alexander Graham, Jay Aston, Julianne Regan, Kevin Haskins, Kirk Brandon, Lol Tolhurst, Martin Gore, Michael Aston, Michael Ciravolo, Midge Ure, Miles Hunt, Rachel Goswell, Richard Fortus, Robin Finck, Steve Clarke, Tim Palmer, Trentemøller

Wayne Hussey: “Als Covid-19 zuschlug, erhielt ich viele Nachrichten, in denen ich gefragt wurde: „Warum veröffentlichst du ‚Tower Of Strength‘ für all die Arbeiter an der Front nicht neu? Das Lied war anscheinend von einigen National-Health-Service-Mitarbeitern als ihre Hymne angenommen worden, und es brachte mich auf den Gedanken, dass ich in dieser beispiellosen Zeit etwas für die größere Sache beitragen könnte – und das Einzige, was ich wirklich beitragen kann, ist Musik. So kam ich zusammen mit meinem guten Freund Michael Ciravolo auf die Idee, eine neue Version von ‚Tower Of Strength‘ für wohltätige Zwecke aufzunehmen, indem ich die Hilfe von Musikerfreunden und -bekannten in Anspruch nahm. ‚Tower Of Strength‘ wurde erstmals 1988 und dann 1994 von The Mission als Single veröffentlicht. Die Single schaffte es zweimal in die britischen Top 40 und erwies sich als unser wahrscheinlich größter Song und es ist dieser Song, mit dem wir im Allgemeinen unsere Shows abschließen. Es ist eine Hymne. Ich fragte mich, ob die Neuaufnahme eines bekannteren Liedes vielleicht eine größere Reichweite hätte, aber weder Michael noch ich konnten Vorschläge machen, die textlich zu passen schienen, ohne zu kitschig zu wirken. Also wurde es ‚Tower Of Strength‘.

Normalerweise verabscheue ich Dinge, die für wohltätige Zwecke getan werden, die gleichzeitig auch selbstsüchtig sind, aber ich habe mir einen Plan ausgedacht, der mein Gewissen befriedigt hat. Ich sprach mit meinen Bandkollegen von The Mission, die den Song mitgeschrieben haben – Craig Adams, Mick Brown und Simon Hinkler – und wir kamen überein, alle durch die neue Version erzielten Verlagseinnahmen an nominierte Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen abzutreten, einschließlich mechanischer und Aufführungslizenzen sowie 100 % aller Einnahmen aus Verkäufen. Der Song wurde in ‚TOS2020‘ umbenannt, um diese Gelder von der ursprünglichen Version abkoppeln zu können – und die Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen wurden alle persönlich von den an Aufnahme und Veröffentlichung beteiligten Personen nominiert. Da es sich bei den musikalischen Beiträgen um globale Spenden handelt, gehen wir davon aus, dass die Einnahmen gleichmäßig unter allen Begünstigten aufgeteilt und verteilt werden.”   Wayne Hussey, Sao Paulo, Brasilien, 23. Juli 2020.

TOS2020 – ReMission International tracklisting:

Vinyl (cat no: SPV 243541 LP)

Side A:

  1. TOS2020 (Beholden To The Front Line Workers Of The World mix) 09:49
  2. TOS2020 (single verion) 05:08

Side B:

  1. TOS2020 (Trentemøller mix) 06:39
  2. TOS2020 (Albie Mischenzingerzen mix) 06:46

CD (Digipack) (cat no: SPV 243542 CD-EP)

  1. TOS2020 (Beholden To The Front Line Workers Of The World mix)
  2. TOS2020 (Trentemøller mix)
  3. TOS2020 (Albie Mischenzingerzen mix)
  4. TOS2020 (single version)

Digital Bundle (cat no: SPV 24354D)

  1. TOS2020 (Beholden To The Front Line Workers Of The World mix)
  2. TOS2020 (Trentemøller mix)
  3. TOS2020 (Albie Mischenzingerzen mix)
  4. TOS2020 (single version)


Die Mitwirkenden über TOS2020:

“Being given the chance to do some good to raise money for people and animals struggling in these frightening times by singing one of the best songs ever written was such an easy thing to say yes to. An absolute honour to be involved.”  Gary Numan 

“Today as we face an unprecedented crisis with COVID 19, we have to be united in purpose to help humanity and especially the disenfranchised and impoverished among us, survive. Music can be a powerful way to join us all together and help those that need it most now.“ Lol Tolhurst

I’ve seen and heard Tower of Strength played often and I’ve experienced its effect and the impact it has on others. It’s an anthemic song of hope, comfort and joy, with a message that now seems more relevant than ever. I hope this project, in which I am privileged to be involved, brings a little light into the shade, and allows us all to, albeit momentarily, focus on an ‘afterwards’.“  Julianne Regan

You get a message from Wayne Hussey asking if you can put a vocal (alongside a great list of singers, musicians and friends) on a reworking of a massive track in the repertoire of The Mission to aid COVID-19 charities around the globe – you say yes and get it done as well as you can.”  Kirk Brandon

I did it coz Wayne asked me to and I love Wayne.” Billy Duffy

Being asked to contribute to making a piece of music isn’t overly taxing for a musician. I’m just pleased Wayne didn’t ask me to perform brain surgery or fly a jumbo jet, something which takes some form of skill.” Midge Ure

My positive of the pandemic has been connecting to kindred spirits. Honoured to lend a hand.” Budgie

I would like it known that, if asked, I would do absolutely anything for Wayne Hussey. Tower Of Strength is utter perfection: it is daring in its intent and supremely executed in both its original recording and every single time I have seen it performed live. To be asked to contribute to this new version was a very emotional experience for me. So many intense memories came flooding back as I sang, there were tears, I can assure you of that.”  Miles Hunt

Direct Relief is an organisation that helps people in times of emergency like natural disasters or in times of poverty by getting medical equipment and supplies to where they are needed most. At the moment they are obviously heavily focused on Covid-19.” Martin Gore (on Direct Relief, his nominated charity)

Love and gratitude.” Robin Finck

I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of this project – I always loved this song and asked Wayne if I could take a crack at John Paul Jones’ string arrangement, which I have always admired.  Hopefully my take on it does it justice.Richard Fortus

The power we have collectively is transformative … I love and admire Wayne and the band and the warmth and intention behind this release. I know the power of this song and I feel so honoured to have been invited to join so many celebrated artists, this is a beautiful star in the darkest of times and I know the difference it will make.”  Evi Vine

To be amongst these amazing artists that I’m a huge fan of and have so much respect for is a true honour, especially for such an important cause. The sacrifice that all the amazing NHS staff and key workers have made is truly humbling and inspiring. To be part of an incredible group of people that want to give something back and show their gratitude is something I’m extremely proud of.” James Alexander Graham

When I was asked by Wayne to be part of this fantastic charity project, I immediately said yes! If I could contribute to supporting the hard work fighting Covid 19 by making a remix of Tower Of Strength, that was a way for me to make a small difference. I’m very honoured to be a part of this.” Trentemøller 

I signed on for this project because I felt that it would be a great way to raise a lot of funds for those in need at this time. When I heard all the names of artists who were collaborating, I knew that it would turn out very special. I’m very grateful to be given the opportunity to contribute to this marvellous project.” Kevin Haskins

When Wayne emailed me with the idea of contributing vocals to this project I jumped at the chance. Tower of Strength is such an anthemic song it’s only fitting that this has been done to support the various charities.  It’s an honour for me to be a small part of the process and what a stellar line up of people involved.” Rachel Goswell

Not every day do you get the chance to play on one of your favourite songs with some of your favourite artists, and to have it be for all the right reasons and for an amazing cause.Michael Ciravolo

So honoured to be part of this wonderful project. It’s also interesting that three of the original performers on our – Gene Loves Jezebel – very first recording, ‚Shaving My Neck‘ are reunited by chance some 37 years later: Julianne Regan, J.P, and myself. Hats off to Wayne and the Mission for giving this rendition for charity during this pandemic.” Michael Aston

Absolutely buzzed and honestly flattered to be asked to not only add my voice to this wonderful recording, but also give something back to our much loved and beleaguered NHS. The perfect song for these difficult and challenging days.” Jay Aston 

Zu den nominierten Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen gehören derzeit:

St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Memphis
Music Venue Trust UK
Covenant House New Orleans
Disasters Emergency Committee
Plan International
Direct Relief
Alzheimer’s Scotland
Liberty Hill Foundation
The Shrewsbury Ark
Memorial Sloan Kettering Center NYC
Prostate Cancer UK
The Teddy Bear Clinic For Abused Children
The Anthony Walker Foundation
Crew Nation
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, MSK Kids
Venice Family Clinic

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