Love Is Noise: veröffentlichen neue Single „To Live In A Different Way“

Love Is Noise haben den Titeltrack ihres kommenden Debütalbums To Live In A Different Way veröffentlicht, das am 14. Februar 2025 erscheinen soll.

Seht euch das Musikvideo zu To Live In A Different Way hier an:

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To Live In A Different Way is the song that made me realise this album has the potential to be something solid“, sagt Cam. „Recording the demo version of this track made me cry with happy tears, it brought out so much emotion within me. This was also when I realised ‘yeah this singing thing really is for me.“

Cam sagt über das kommende Album: „To live in a different way“ is the story of a kid from Bolton trying to understand the world he lives in. It’s 11 tracks full of love, heartache and dream-soaked melody, I believe we’ve created something special. To be able to have a physical release of this record, pictured by the Goat Carl Battams and put together by the legend Garjk is a true blessing. The fact we get the pleasure of releasing it on Century Media is such a trip and 16-year-old me wouldn’t believe the chances he’s now getting.“

Bestellt euch das Album To Live In A Different Way jetzt hier vor!

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Love Is Noise: kündigen Debütalbum „To Live In A Different Way“ für Februar 2025 an

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