Die schwedische Sensationsband Tribulation ist zurück und bringt ihre neue Single Saturn Coming Down heraus. Begleitet von einem eindringlichen Musikvideo, zeigt die Single eine neue Seite der Band, während sie ihrem düsteren Sound und den fesselnden Melodien treu bleibt.
Sehen Sie sich das Musikvideo zu Saturn Coming Down hier an:
Stream der neuen Single hier: https://Tribulation.lnk.to/SaturnComingDown-SingleNe
Gitarrist Adam Zaars kommentiert die Veröffentlichung der neuen Single und des Videos:
“Saturn Coming Down is a song that creeps up on you and that hopefully gets thoroughly under your skin. It’s a taste of the new musical areas we’ve charted that’s taken us to places we’ve never ventured into before. An ode to a very old titan who constantly seems to be lurking behind our backs.“
„As many of you will know we have always striven to push our own musical boundaries and to let the music change and grow with us, and vice versa, and to carve out our own niche in metal in general and in our own musical landscape in particular. Saturn Coming Down is the next stage in that ongoing process. It’s a song about Saturn and our various interpretations and imaginings of him throughout the millennia. Helping us with visualizing this we had the pleasure of working with Brendan McGowan who really outdid himself with this video. We also had help from our friend Damón Zurawski who shot us here in Sweden. We couldn’t be happier with the result! Death is the way of the wor
Saturn Coming Down jetzt hier streamen!