Credit: Samantha Davies

Written By Wolves: veröffentlichen neues Video und ihr lang erwartetes neues Album „The Lighthouse“

Neuseelands meistgestreamte Rockband Written By Wolves hat ihr brandneues Album The Lighthouse veröffentlicht und präsentiert gleichzeitig ein Musikvideo zum Titeltrack.

Seht euch hier das Video zum Titeltrack an:

„This album has been two years in the making and it’s been over a year since we released the first single Give ‘Em Hell. We are so excited to finally have it out in the world in it’s entirety and cannot wait to hear what you all think. If you get a chance, listen from start to finish to make sure you get the story in full…“ so Sänger Michael Murphy.

„The title-track is the embodiment of the entire concept, the crux of the story. It is the turning point and the moment of realisation that we don’t have to go through these things alone. That it is not weakness to allow someone or something to help us find our way back home, but in fact strength. That these are very normal struggles that everyone goes through – and if everyone is experiencing these same struggles and trying to find their way back home, then we’re never really alone at all. It is about finding your lighthouse, and realising that while it might not always be obvious, it is always there and the light is always on“, fügt Muphy hinzu.

Das genreübergreifende 13-Track-Album wurde in L.A. mit Gladius James (Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Fifth Harmony) aufgenommen und produziert und ist eine Momentaufnahme von Written By Wolves, die Darstellung ihres aktuellen Sounds und ein Vorgeschmack auf ihre Zukunft …

Mehr Infos zu Written By Wolves und ihrem neuen Album The Lighthouse findet ihr hier:

Written By Wolves: emotionales Video zu „Please, Just Breathe“ veröffentlicht

Written By Wolves sind:
Michael Murphy – Gesang
Davie Wong – Gitarre
Karl Woodmans – Schlagzeug
Oli Lyons – Percussion

Written By Wolves online: