Quelle: YouTube

Loudblast: veröffentlichen Video und digitale Single zu „Putrid Age Of Decay“

Die Band kommentiert Putrid Age Of Decay wie folgt:
„The lyrics in Putrid Age Of Decay present the listener with a meditation on mortality. The inescapability of death is a recurring motif in all forms of art, as is our reaction and response to it as individuals, be it blind panic, rationalisation or the steely resolve of the stoic. These dark shades of grey allow the lyrical tapestry to convey a sense of despair and impending doom throughout the piece. Despite these relentlessly dark themes, the song closes with an acceptance to face the end, with a paradox of sorts that hopes in the darkness through defiant resolve. „

Seht euch das Video zu Putrid Age Of Decay hier an:

Mehr Infos zu Loudblast und ihrem in Kürze erscheinenden Album Altering Fates And Destinies findet ihr hier:

Loudblast: geben Details zum neuen Album „Altering Fates And Destinies“ bekannt

Loudblast sind:
Stéphane Buriez – Gesang, Gitarren
Nicklaus Bergen – Gitarren
Frédéric Leclercq – Bass, Leadgitarren
Hervé Coquerel – Schlagzeug

Loudblast online: