Tarja: traditionelles Christmas Together Konzert dieses Jahr online

Zwei Slots als Stream am 11. und 12. Dezember

Die traditionellen Weihnachtskonzerte der ehemaligen Nightwish Frontfrau fallen coronabedingt 2020 aus. Allerdings liefert Tarja ein Ersatzprogramm, welches als Stream in die Wohnzimmer kommt. Für die Fans in Europa gibt es sogar zwei Slots. Der zeitlich etwas günstigere Slot dürfte am 11.12.2020 um 20 Uhr sein, für die nachtaktiven Menschen wäre der 12.12.2020 2 Uhr morgens eine Variante.

Hier die Infos der Band:

More than ever, in these awkward times, we need to get together. There are restrictions that are not letting us do it like we used to. I want to share the love I have for performing Christmas songs with you and by doing that, feel you closer.

The worldwide live stream concerts with keyboard player Maria Ilmoniemi, cellist Max Lilja and guitarist Alex Scholpp will give me the chance to visit you wherever you are.

I have been doing Christmas shows since 2004 and it has become a tradition, but this year you will be able to explore my vision of Christmas from your home. I am truly happy about it.

I am one of those who do not appreciate the over happy, commercial Christmas spirit and music.

We will perform some of the most beloved Christmas classics and also my favorite Finnish ones in a very intimate setting. In my concerts, you will definitely find a dark atmosphere and completely unexpected arrangements for the known carols.

Let my music help you to find peace of mind this Christmas.

Tarja Turunen


Check the possibilities as well for a zoom chat with Tarja or even to be present at the show and have a Meet & Greet with Tarja!!

For tickets and additional information please visit https://worldwidelive.kontainer.live/