Das kanadische Blackgaze-Soloprojekt Unreqvited hat am 7. Februar 2025 sein gefeiertes siebtes Album A Pathway To The Moon veröffentlicht.
A Pathway To The Moon kann ab sofort in voller Länge hier gestreamt werden:
Unreqvited Kommentar: „This album represents the most significant sonic evolution in my journey thus far“, schreibt mastermind 鬼. „With A Pathway to the Moon, I have embarked on a daring and novel exploration into a predominantly lyrical realm, diverging from the traditional Unreqvited sound. As we evolve into a touring band, this album was carefully crafted with the live performance in mind. These new compositions further elevate Unreqvited’s expansive soundscape, infusing it with grandiose anthemic refrains and vibrant, expressive lyricism.“
Mehr Infos zu Unreqvited und dem brandneuen Album A Pathway To The Moon findet ihr hier:
Unreqvited Besetzungsliste:
鬼 – alle Instrumente, Gesang, Musik
Unreqvited online: