Artist: Leviathan
Genre: Progressive Metal
Release: 14.02.2014
Label: Stonefellowship Recordings
Vocals – Jeff Ward
Guitar, Keyboard – John Lutzow
Bass – Derek Blake
Drums – Dave Rumbold
Time For Metal / Holopain:
Hello John,
Thank you for the interview. The German Rock Hard Magazine author Michael Kohsiek says that your latest record might be your „magnum opus“. Would you agree?
John Lutzow / Leviathan:
I would partially agree. I am very proud of this new album. But to rest on it being my Magnum Opus would mean that my work will only go down hill from here. I am confident that my next album will surpass this one. I will never give up on making better and better music. Since I have never received any money for my music, I am as hungry and inspired as I was in the beginning. It is my dream to create art that will stand the test of time, something monumental that can inspire others and bring about change. I want intelligence and musicianship to become more important to the main stream.
Time For Metal / Holopain:
It has been a while since you reappeared as Leviathan in the metal scene in 2011 with At long last, Progress stopped to follow. Before that, you played at the side project Braver Since Then, that somehow kept Leviathan´s spirit alive. In what way has the metal scene been changing through the years and where do you think will it go?
John Lutzow / Leviathan:
The Metal scene has changed so much since we began as Leviathan. I joined in 1991. I feel our timing was always off in terms of being part of any musical trend. We arrived too late to join in on all the original metal success. After that grunge came in, followed by punk, Rap and alternative music. To tell you the truth, I am pretty far removed from what is going on with music on the global scene. My only hopes are that Leviathan can get back to where we were in the ninties. We used to have a pretty good following. If we can reach half the people that purchased our music before I will feel like a success.
Time For Metal / Holopain:
The lyrics seem to be something like a diary, an appraisal of what you think about society, mankind and religion, paused and accompanied by spoken words and little instrumental parts, even the song list is subdivided into different sections with its core Religion: Superstition… . What exactly is the album´s critique towards religion? Why did you struggle with religion?
John Lutzow / Leviathan:
Religion is obviously a very touchy subject. It connects to people at a very personal level and is anchored heavily in family, geography, and tradition. For many people around the world the concept of religion is more than a belief system. It drives them to see others as enemies. Varying beliefs have caused too many wars and death for something that preaches peace as a core tenant of scripture. I have spent many years studying world religions. I am someone that needs to have a deep understanding of something before I can believe in it. The origin of beliefs and spirituality is no different.Just like most other humans, I question my existence and want to know where I fit into the puzzle of life. We are taught at an early age that some God created everything. I struggle with religion because of all the hypocrisy, contradictions and evil carried out in God’s name. The fact that the world I live in doesn’t remotely compare to where and when these spiritual doctrines were put together makes it hard for me to believe in anything other than scientific facts. I believe in doing the right thing because of a human committment to each other. I don’t live my life by any rules of a promised afterlife. I believe in human decency and equality, social responsibility and leaving the world better than I found it.
It was never my intention to criticize others for their beliefs. The conceptual piece of the album attempts to take the listener through questions and perspectives that most humans might have wondered about. I wanted to give an objective account of religion, intellectual independence and blind faith.
Time For Metal / Holopain:
You quoted one of the Klitschko brothers in Bettering Darklighter saying that his life was turned down completely and that he was metaphorically „lying on the floor“. Most importantly to him in that situation was getting up from the ground and continue fighting. Why exactly did you include this quotation? Are you aware that the Klitschko brothers are hugely popular in Germany?
John Lutzow / Leviathan:
I got that from a documentary about Vitali. I was always a big fan of both brothers. This quote was specifically used because of the message. I related to those words and feel like I have been in the same place. This album was my way of trying to get back to where I need to be in life and music. Over the last few years everything changed in my life, I lost almost everything. The hope of making something great through music was all I had.
I am very aware of the country that has accepted my music and art, so of course any opportunity for me to give back to the German people with a personal touch is a tribute them. There are a few other subtle gifts of gratitude on the album for German fans. I am mostly German in my heritage and have always had a connection with that country. There is even a town in Germany called Lutzow. I have never been there but would love to visit. 🙂 So, Thank you to all the amazing German fans who have supported Leviathan from the beginning.
Time For Metal / Holopain:
Your name Leviathan is used by several other bands in the world. You said to the magazine „Undergroundmusickzine“ that you hired a lawyer in order to get back the name’s patent and so far were successfully in the US. Are you planning to get back the name´s patent in other countries, e.g. Germany? Are you aware that a Black Metal band at the internet platform Spotify has your album Riddles… listed as their record, although not intended, I guess, but rather Spotify´s mistake?
John Lutzow / Leviathan:
I don’t have the financial backing to pursue the legality of global trademark or patents. But the good thing is that I don’t have to. If there was ever a legal dispute the fact that I hold the US trademark for a band using the name Leviathan. That is usually enough if you can prove you have been using this „name“ in commerce the longest. Leviathan was originally held by Ron Skeen, the founder of Leviathan. He had copyright to the name since 1989. The Death metal band grabbed the rights after we disbanded in 2001. It became available again in 2011. I can show that I have been releasing music under this brand since 1991. It is funny, I recently was contacted by the girlfriend of Jef Wrest Whitehead, (death metal Leviathan) She asked me why I was trying to steal her boyfriends band name. I explained to her that I was connected to the name long before Jef. She was worried because he is planning on releasing a new album also. I just hope that people are smart enough to know who the true Leviathan is; Colorado’s progressive metalLeviathan. Respect…
Time For Metal / Holopain:
The reviews towards Beholden To Nothing, Braver Since Then have been great so far (I follow every link on your Facebook page). Does that give you something like a reassurance, an acknowledgement that you are following the right track? Are there plans for upcoming festival shows? For sure, fans in Germany want to see you performing live on stage.
John Lutzow / Leviathan:
The reviews have all been great so far. This is very comforting to me. It does give me a sense of gratification and vindication. This album had to be my best. If it is the last thing I ever release, I want to know that I redeemed myself in the hearts of all the past fans. I was disapointed in the last studio album I released. The Leviathan legacy deserved something better. I let down the fans. I hope this new album earns back their respect and adulation. For me to completely feel like this album is a success though, It has to make the numbers. Luckily for me, it doesn’t require that many sales to break even. If we could sell half as many copies as we did with either of our first two albums, „Beholden“ will be a huge success. So if you like the album, Please buy it. Support this music and art.
As for touring, we are ready and wanting to come play any chance we get. That is where all of you readers, listeners and fans come in. Please put the word out to any other bands, promoters or festival booking agents. Demand that they put Leviathan on the bill. If there is another band doing a small tour, we would gladly open up for them like we did for Fates Warning and Dream Theater before. With a little financial support we could perform throughout Europe.
Time For Metal / Holopain:
The interview’s last words belong to you. Any final message to the Time For Metal-Fanbase?
John Lutzow / Leviathan:
Thank you so much for the opportunity to reach potential fans and old friends of Leviathan. I hope to see you all soon. JCL
Buy the album now,