Bloodywood - Kismat (Official Visualizer)

Bloodywood: neue Single und Visualizer Video zu „Kismat“ veröffentlicht

Die aus Indien stammenden Bloodywood, haben ihr neues Album Nu Delhi über Fearless Records veröffentlicht.

Mit dem Album liegt der Fokus auf dem Track Kismat. Die Band beschreibt den Song wie folgt: “This is about kids who had to grow up to fast and lost a chance at being a kid. We’ve all had different childhoods so we had to either draw from personal experience or from the experience of others but this is for kids who are growing through something that forces them to grow up or for the adults that survived a time like that. It’s both a tribute to their courage and perseverance as well as a wish that they may keep their inner kids alive forever and live that lost childhood bit by bit across the course of their lives.”

Weitere Infos zu Bloodywood und zum neuen Album Nu Delhi könnt ihr hier nachlesen:

Bloodywood: neue Single und Video zu „Tadka“ veröffentlicht