For Today: bestätigen Loathe als Special Guest für ihre letzte Tour

Die aus Iowa stammenden Energiebündel FOR TODAY haben das englische Quintett LOATHE und NOTHING LEFT als Special Guests für ihre letzte Tour bestätigt.

LOATHE kommentiert: „We would like to thank FOR TODAY for inviting us to join them on their farewell tour. It is a great privilege to be a part of such a prestigious tour.“

FOR TODAY haben kürzlich ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben und gleichzeitig ihre letzte Europa-Tournee angekündigt.

Das offizielle Statement der Band: „After over 11 years as a band, 6 full length albums and 1 EP, we have decided to make 2016 the last year of FOR TODAY. When we started this band in 2005, we never imagined that our music would make it out of Sioux City, Iowa, let alone take us all around the world multiple times. Our lives have been hugely impacted by the time we’ve spent making music and touring. We met our wives, had kids and moved to different states because of FOR TODAY. It’s been an incredible experience, but we feel like now is the time to close this chapter of our lives and move on. There’s no behind the scenes drama happening or disagreements between band members. We’re all still best friends and will continue to be long after the band is over.

We want to thank everybody who has made this possible, especially the fans who have kept us going for so many years. That’s why we’re excited to announce that we’re doing an extensive farewell tour, hitting all our favorite cities in the country, as well as some international dates. Come hang out with us one last time and let’s make these last shows some that we’ll never forget!“

FOT TODAY hatten erst kürzlich das offizielle Musikvideo zum Song ‚No Truth, No Sacrifice‘ veröffentlicht: 

Plus Special Guests

26.10.16    NL    Utrecht          De Helling
27.10.16    UK    London          Underworld
28.10.16    B      TBA               TBA
29.10.16    GER  Oberhausen   Resonanzwerk
30.10.16    GER  Weinheim      Cafe Central
31.10.16    CH    Pratteln         Z7
01.11.16    GER  Leipzig          Felsenkeller

Das letzte Album, »Wake«, wurde Ende 2015 über Nuclear Blast veröffentlicht und von Will Putney (THY ART IS MURDER, BURY TOMORROW, BODY COUNT, UPON A BURNING BODY) produziert und kann hier bestellt werden:

‚Broken Lens‘ music video:
‚Bitter Roots‘ music video:
‚Forced Into Fire‘ lyric video:
Studio trailer #1:
Studio trailer #2:
Album trailer: