Die aus Bristol stammende Band Superseed veröffentlichen ihr zweites offizielles Video zur Single Turn The Screw. Der Song ist von ihrem selbstbetitelten Album, welches am 8. Februar 2019 auf ROAR! Rock Of Angels Records veröffentlicht wird.
Das Erstlingswerk von Superseed wird als Digipak, orangenes Gatefold Doppel-Vinyl (limitiert auf 300 Stück) und digital erscheinen.
Das Video kommentiert Regisseurin Katy selbst: “Having worked with the guys on the My Time Is Now video I was really excited to get started on this one but I knew time was incredibly tight so I had to work smart. Turn The Screw struck me as something of a fight song for Superseed. It had this real feeling of grit and determination; so paying homage to a favorite rock song of mine which has a similar feel, I set about creating this punchy, mind warping, kaleidoscopic look. To actually shoot it was really quick, probably an hour in total once the lighting was all set. The magic really started in the edit with layers and layers of color blocking, blended with the band playing. It became a literal collage, stealing colors from the album artwork and grainy black and white from the first video. I wanted it to be like a visual assault to match the aggression of the song.”
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