Artist: Silent Opera
Orgin: Aquitaine, Frankreich
Genre: Progressiv Melodic Metal / Melodic Death Metal
Label: Massacre Records Records
Vocals – Laure Laborde
Vocals – Steven Schriver
Guitare – Romain Larregain
Bass – Olivier Sentenac
Keyboard – Laura Nicogossian
Drums – Jon Erviti
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
Dear Silent Opera,
After the realization of your Demo 2008 you continuously advanced. This progress was already shown in Immortal Beauty and was confirmed by your new album Reflections. Some of our German readers may not know you yet – can you please introduce yourself?
Silent Opera:
Well, I’m sorry but I have to tell you’re wrong. There are 2 bands called Silent Opera, one in Italy and our band from France. It’s just a coincidence ‘cause both bands were created in 2007. The demo and the ‘Immortal Beauty’ album you talk about were released by the other band!
Our first album is called Act One. It was released in 2010 and, even if I have to admit I never really listened to their music, the Italian Silent Opera and we are TOTALLY different. We bring more aggressive influences in our music, like death metal (with blast beats, growls, etc.). We’re
not just a female fronted symphonic metal band.
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
Sry for the mistake and your good explanation. I would like to start the interview with a comparison between Act One and your new album Reflections. Can you name some changes and explain your longtime supporters what they can expect of your new album?
Silent Opera:
Act One is our real debut album. At that time, Silent Opera was a real young band and its lineup had been stabilized just several months ago. Today, we are much more united, mature and I think people’ll ear it on our new songs. We consider Reflections as a more coherent, powerful and emotional album.
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
There are several months between the publication of Immortal Beauty and Reflections. How did you arrange the time in between, in the rehearsal room and in the studio?
Silent Opera:
Act One was released in September 2010. After that, we made a French tour in the beginning of 2011, and gave several gigs during this year. We also started the new composition process during this period. For Reflections, it was very different. The record sessions started in April 2012 and then, it took us about one year to finish the whole product (recording, mixing, mastering, artwork, videos, etc.). After that, we looked for a label to promote Reflections professionally – we didn’t have the support of a label during the ‘Act One’ period. We finally signed a deal with well-known label Massacre Records and had to wait to be included in their promotional plans and continued to give gigs in festivals or in clubs.
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
I hope you won’t get mad at me for saying: Your music is epic, and though your cover is timeless, it seems rather plain to me. Did you create the cover on your own or was there an external artist?
Silent Opera:
About the cover, we wanted to avoid melodic metal standards. We wanted something catchy, effective and sober! We also wanted to find something representing the whole album and we all liked the idea of a broken mirror. This cover has been realized by Anaïs Galiana, fromBarbariskunst, who is a professional graphic designer.
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
Besides the soft singing of Laure Laborde, the melody from Steven Schriver comes into one´s own. I think that’s the most determining progression within Silent Opera. What do you think about that combination and how does it adjust?
Silent Opera:
The opposition between Laure’s melodic voice and Steven’s growls is one of the Silent Opera’sdistinction elements! We are fascinated by contrasts. We try to deal with contrasts in our music, into the lyrics (some of those talk about schizophrenia) or into the composition (opposition between thrash or death metal riffs and symphonic orchestrations played on the keyboard for example). The most obvious is represented by Laure and Steven. The constant opposition between their voices permits them to play different characters to illustrate the lyrics.
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
Every now and then some of the great bands release scene tapes, which contain some song, which didn’t make it onto the album. Do you also have some tracks, which you will keep in mind for the future or do you work on all your songs until they are finished and appear on your album?
Silent Opera:
Every song we have composed appears on this album. For Silent Opera, the composition process is pretty long and we spend a lot of time on arrangements and every little detail. So, if a song doesn’t seem compatible with the musical direction we reach, we don’t work on it and abandon it. That’s why we don’t have bonus features to present on stage today. Now, we just started to work on new songs (but it’s the very beginning^^) and I think these ones will appear on our next album.
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
Thank you for the insight into Reflections. Now I want to get to know a bit more about you. You are from France and like to do music (successfully). But what does one have to keep in mind, when he thinks about Silent Opera? Here are some questions: What music do you listen to in the rehearsal room? What band would you love to play on stage with? What festival will let your heart beat faster? And what do you drink? Wine or beer?
Silent Opera:
We are not difficult. We like sharing a drink together after the show: jägermeister, beer and good wines. About music, you have to know that every Silent Opera’s member listen to different kind of music. In our playlists, you can find death metal, progressive metal, thrash metal, symphonic metal, black metal, but also pop music and movies soundtracks. It’s very eclectic! And we try to mix all these influences in our music. We would really love to play with modern melodic bands (Epica, Xandria), power progressive metal like Manticora and of course with some great melodic death metal bands such as Arch Enemy!
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
Festival is a good keyword – the season is already starting in the next few weeks. Will you participate in this year festival events or open airs? And how about a tour, where you can presentReflections live to your supporters? May the fans hope for it and if yes, the German fans, too?
Silent Opera:
I guess we won’t participate in big festivals this summer ‚cause Reflections has been released too late and bookings for such festivals were already done! Actually, we’re working on booking several French gigs for spring and we would like to tour all around Europe in October-November 2014. We know that our fans are expecting our gigs. Each day, we receive strong support from them and their wish to discover Reflections live. It would be really great for us to play in Germany! If you re promoter, venue director, if you have a tour support to suggest us or if you play in a kickass band which is ok to share the stage with us, feel free to contact us! ^^
Time For Metal / Rene W.:
Thank you for your open words. I wish you much pleasure with Reflections. The last words shall be yours, which you can direct to your fans and our readers.
Silent Opera:
Thank you for this interview. I also would like to thank every person who took the time to read it! We really hope to be on stage in Germany this year! Stay tuned folks!