Exhorder: veröffentlichen ihr neues Album „Defectum Onnium“

Europtournee im Mai 2024

Die Thrash-Legenden Exhorder haben am 8. März ihr lang erwartetes neues Album Defectum Omnium über Nuclear Blast Records veröffentlicht. Das vierte Album der Band in ihrer fast vier Jahrzehnte umspannenden Karriere ist ein klassisches Exhorder-Album mit unerbittlichem Sound. Die Band hat ihre frühen Einflüsse aus Punk, Hardcore und Thrash wieder aufgegriffen und in Eigenregie 12 gnadenlose Tracks produziert, die so lebendig klingen wie damals, als sie 1985 ihre ersten Spuren im Metal hinterlassen haben. Mit erdrückenden Songs wie Year Of The Goat und Forever And Beyond Despair und einem bedrohlichen Coverartwork von Travis Smith (Katatonia, Opeth) sind Exhorder mit Defectum Ominum auf dem Höhepunkt ihres Könnens und liefern eine der bösartigsten Platten des Jahres ab.

Sänger/Gitarrist Kyle Thomas sagte über das neue Album:

Photo Credit: Erik Hernandez

“It’s been quite a journey for Exhorder since the 2019 release of Mourn The Southern Skies. Lineup changes as well as the 2020-2021 pandemic and lockdown presented hurdles that weren’t easy to overcome. But we persevered, kept our heads down and went to work with intense focus and real goals. One of those goals was to bring our fourth full length album to our fan base. Defectum Omnium is a collaborative effort in songwriting, much as it was in the early days of Exhorder. We produced it ourselves, as we felt no need or desire to bring in anyone from the outside based upon our shared vision. It was also important to us not only to continue the natural progression this band has been in since the early 90’s, but to put a foot back into our roots. The influence punk and hardcore had on this band from getting our start in the New Orleans punk rock scene has a strong presence. We’ve also made sure to keep plenty of our thrash roots as well in our songwriting process. But we have also managed to keep our doom roots alive, which first surfaced on the song (Cadence Of) The Dirge back in 1992. In fact, on one new song we have guest appearances by Rick Wartell and Bruce Franklin from Trouble, and they absolutely killed it!“

„From the time that we began pre-production until the actual release date, we can promise you that every bit of Defectum Omnium was crafted with great care, and we are really excited about it! Our goal was to make an album that we loved and gives the experience of a journey.”

Anlässlich der Albumveröffentlichung haben Exhorder ein neues Video für ihren nächsten herausragenden Track und Album-Opener Wrath Of Prophecies enthüllt.

Seht euch das Video zu Wrath Of Prophecies hier an:

Thomas fügt zu der neuen Single hinzu:
“Our third single, Wrath Of Prophecies, is the opening track on Defectum Omnium. It is the oldest song title on the album, dating back to 2009. However, it was never truly completed as a song, though it did have its own line of merchandise at the time. Lyrically, it is a nod to the prophecies of Nostradamus, which were much more prevalent topics at that time based upon what many people felt were predicted end times. Regardless, it fit right into the overall theme of despair and hopelessness that Defectum Omnium embodies. Musically, it is a fierce and unrelenting thrasher. With the vocals committing to the song as soon as the entire band kicks in, “Wrath Of Prophecies grabs you by the throat right out of the gates. It is obvious and evident that there is something the listener must pay attention to, or turn away and play ostrich. Lacing melodies in with venomous, spitting aggression, this song is a feature example on this album of our commitment to returning to our roots, and not just the punk ones.

Defectumm Omnium kaufen/streamen:

Neugierig geworden? Dann stöbert doch gleich mal hier im Defectum Omnium-Review von unserem begeisterten Time For Metal-Redakteur Jürgen S., der  satte 9,0 von 10,0 Punkten für diese Scheibe vergeben hat.

Exhorder – US-Tourdaten:

April 5 – Cambridge, MA – Middle East
April 6 – Brooklyn, NY – Monarch
April 7 – Philadelphia, PA – Underground Arts
April 8 – Baltimore, MD – The Ottobar
April 10 – Cleveland, OH – The Winchester
April 11 – Cincinnati, OH – Legends
April 12 – Detroit, MI – Sanctuary
April 13 – Chicago, IL – Reggies

Exhorder – Europatour
+ Nervosa

10.05. BE Oostende Huggins Awakening Fest
11.05. BE Durbuy Durbuy Rock
12.05. NL Drachten Iduna
13.05. DE Kassel Goldgrube
14.05. DE Bremen Tower
15.05. DE Hamburg Logo
16.05. DE Weinheim Café Central
17.05. DE Trier Mergener Hof
18.05. NL Oss Groene Engel
19.05. DE Gelsenkirchen Rock Hard Festival
20.05. DE Berlin Lido
21.05. CZ Prague Modra Vopice
22.05. AT Salzburg Rockhouse
23.05. DE Munich Backstage Halle
24.05. CH Aarau Kiff

Mehr Infos zu Exhorder und ihrem brandneuen Album Defectum Omnium findet ihr hier:

Exhorder online: